
The right to Happiness

The process of evaluating the possibility of adding the right to happiness into the second paragraph of article 3 of the Italian Constitution is under way. This is how it would read: "It is the duty of the Republic to remove those obstacles of an economic or social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, thereby impeding the full exercising of the right to happiness, the development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social organisation of the country."

This right was already stated in the U.S. Declaration of Independence in 1776.
This is consistent with the Vision of a social cooperative such as Alba which, through its active position in this field, continues to strive towards achieving the principles that form the basis for the global cooperative movement. Alba must operate according to those principles, so as to effectively achieve the well-being of the community through a spirit of mutuality, solidarity, democracy and community.

Alba is a social cooperative whose Vision can only be recognised through the maintenance of a conceptual approach and structure that's open to the dynamism of social change. It must support new economic and social structures (which are not always easy to predict and are therefore challenging) through its ability to plan, to set new objectives and incentives to act and to adapt its role to changing requirements. Alba Cooperativa Sociale declares itself always ready and able to react to the challenges posed by change. This attitude is the basis upon which it implements the community services and ensures continuity, a factor inherent in the ethical value of quality.

“It is not enough to take steps which may someday lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.”


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Where we are

Passaggio Tito Livio n. 5
35123 - Padova (PD)

P.IVA: 02266810288


Phone: +39 049 665577
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Fax: +39 049 655636

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